
Note: Please review our policies page for updated COVID-19 policies before registering. Upcoming classes and events are also posted on our calendar page.  We do NOT maintain a waitlist for sold-out classes.

Register Now: Upcoming Class Series

February Class Series

Special Topics: Leading for Followers

with Andrea Byrnes & Ken Thomas at Church of Our Saviour in Brookline
Tuesday, Feb. 18th, 7:00 PM
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Ever thought to yourself, “I should learn to lead?” If so, this class is for you! In this 2-hour class of primary followers, we’ll cover the material in Lindy 1 and get you leading your classmates in no time. Primary followers with any degree of experience leading are welcome!

Prerequisites …

Special Topics: Following for Leaders

with Andrea Byrnes & Ken Thomas at Church of Our Saviour in Brookline
Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 7:00 PM
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Leaders! Ever thought to yourself, “I should learn to follow?” If so, this class is for you! In this 2-hour class of primary leaders, we’ll cover the material in Lindy 1 and get you following your classmates in no time. Primary leaders with any degree of experience following are also …

Upcoming Events (No Registration Required)

February Events

  • (0 registered)

Ongoing Series (Registration Closed)

January Class Series

Lindy 1: Movement - Brookline

with Helen Cronin & Edgar Herwick III at Church of Our Saviour in Brookline
Thursdays 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM — Jan. 9, Jan. 16, Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, Feb. 13
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Our Lindy 1: Movement series will help you establish a solid foundation in Lindy Hop with an emphasis  on  moving your own body to music. We cover the fundamental rhythms and movements of Lindy Hop, the  basics of partner dancing, and some variations. In order to advance to  the Lindy …

  • Follows (14 registered)
  • Leads (14 registered)

Partnered Charleston

with Helen Cronin & Karen Turman at Church of Our Saviour in Brookline
Thursdays 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM — Jan. 9, Jan. 16, Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, Feb. 13
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Our Partnered Charleston class serves as a great introduction into the world of this high-energy dance! To take this class, you must have taken Lindy 1. Partnered Charleston classes may serve as prerequisites for Lindy 3 if noted. In this class, you will learn: 

  • '20s Charleston Basic
  • '30s Charleston Basic …
  • Leads (15 registered)
  • Follows (15 registered)

Fundamentals: Moving and Grooving

with Mari Foster & Maria Kakolowski at First Church in Cambridge
Mondays 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM — Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 24, March 3, March 10
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What happens when you remove the familiar shapes and patterns from Lindy Hop but still dance in the style of the genre? In this class, we’re going back to the basics to reconnect with our own bodies and the music so we can enter the partner conversation with new eyes. …

  • Leads (20 registered)
  • Follows (21 registered)
Sold Out!

Lindy 1: Partnership - Cambridge

with Carol Wong & Ken Thomas at First Church in Cambridge
Mondays 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM — Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 24, March 3, March 10
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Our Lindy 1: Partnership series will help you establish a solid foundation in Lindy Hop with an emphasis on connecting with a partner. We cover the  basics of partner dancing,  fundamental rhythms and movements of Lindy Hop, and some turns and variations. In order to move on to the Lindy …

  • Leads (20 registered)
  • Follows (20 registered)
Sold Out!

Fundamentals: Swingout Clinic

with Cassie Filios & Yu Wen Wong at Church of Our Saviour in Brookline
Tuesdays 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM — Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 11
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This month, our Fundamentals class will be a swingout-focused class. While the swingout is often referred to as the quintessential Lindy Hop move, it's anything but "basic." If you've already learned the framework, this month is the perfect chance to come in for a checkup on your swingout skills! This …

  • Leads (15 registered)
  • Follows (15 registered)